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d2m Services, a subsidiary of the STAPEM Group since 2013, is a key player in the field of technical assistance and project management for marine sectors. Established in 1986, our company excels in the design, planning, execution, and closure of projects, bringing unparalleled expertise to our clients.

Our areas of activity are diverse, covering fixed and floating units in the oil and gas industry, merchant navy vessels, surface ships and submarines in the defense sector, as well as coastal infrastructures like bridges and ports. Moreover, we are actively involved in renewable marine energy projects, contributing to the transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy.

At d2m Services, we are committed to providing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each project, while adhering to the highest safety standards. Thanks to our strong network of local partners and our commitment to the communities in which we operate, we are able to achieve our goals while contributing to local economic growth.